Designed and Developed by
Karan Desai | Wallfish [R]

Forca Goa Foundation

  • Client Name    Inai Story
  • Undertaken At    Wallfish
  • Role    UI Desinger
  • Collaborators    Priyanka Kumble (Sr. Designer)
  • Date    January 2018
  • Project Type    UI Design

The Brand

Launched in 2017, Forca Goa Foundation is FC Goa’s grassroots football programme. It is a not for profit organization that focuses on grassroots programs to develop football in India.


The Project

This website design was one part of the foundation’s launch. The idea was to design a clean and minimal website that can communicate effectively. It was designed to serve content that was related to 3 categories. Football, sustainability and empowerment. Hence the burger menu with three colors.



FGF Homepage


FCG Workshop Calendar


FGF Adopt a Field Initiative


Responsive Design